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Renovations, Tradespeople

Arranging Renovations or Maintenance involving tradespeople on site

This page describes the processes to be followed when arranging renovations or maintenance where tradespeople or others will be working on site at VATR in an apartment or elsewhere. These arrangements must be followed by owners, residents or agents to ensure the safety and comfort of us all.  Any enquiries on these arrangements should be directed to the Building Manager.

The Building Manager is to be notified in advance of intentions to renovate and/or improve an apartment. The following procedures are to be adhered to at all times.

  1. The Building Manager is to be advised of the extent and scope of all works.
  2. The Building Manager to be advised if any intention to alter any parts of the structure of the building.
  3. Relevant permits for all works to be supplied to the Building Manager.
  4. Relevant insurance papers such as public liability, etc. to be supplied to the Building Manager.
  5. All works are to be supervised at all times.
  6. Owners are required to supply their own car parking for tradespeople.
  7. All works are to be conducted within the premises.
  8. Contractors are to ensure all noise and dust to be confined to the premises.
  9. All doors and windows are to be closed at all times.
  10. Works can only be conducted on weekdays between the hours of 8am to 4pm.
  11. Any noise that may affect adjoining apartments, notification of those residents to be given as a courtesy.
  12. No works are to be conducted in any common areas or on balconies and front and back verandas.
  13. No works are to be conducted in either of the two car wash bays.
  14. Contractors must take all rubbish and any used building materials with them to be disposed of accordingly.
  15. A permit must be obtained to place a rubbish bin on the street in front of the complex.
  16. All bins must be covered when not in use.
  17. Owners and contractors are to ensure that the common areas are kept clean and tidy.
  18. Owners and contractors will be charged for damage to property and for cleaning any mess incurred on the premises.
  19. Owners are to ensure that this document is brought to the attention of all contractors.
  20. The Owners Corporation require the Building Manager to ensure all owners and contractors comply with these guidelines strictly to the letter.​

Please note also that the Rules of the VATR Owners Corporation (OC) apply to all Owners and their Tenants.​​

The Rules most relevant to this page are:​​

8. Owners and residents are responsible for the actions of any outside person whom they authorise to enter the premises.​

10. Car parking spaces are to be used only for the parking of vehicles, including bicycles and motor bicycles. The keeping or storage on them of any other items is not permitted.

12. A booking must be made with the Building Management for major moving of furniture and goods in or out. A non-refundable fee is payable to the Owners Corporation and a prescribed procedure must be followed as laid down by the Owners Corporation from time to time.


A full list of the VATR OC Rules is available on this website under the Owners Corporation tab, and also at the Civum website.

If VATR OC Rules do not cover a situation it may be covered by the Model Rules in the Owners Corporations Regulations 2007