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Welcome Home

Are you new to VATR?

The “Welcome Home to VATR” document might be a good way to get started. If you don’t already have it, click here to download the two page pdf document.

What is the “vatr.comau” website all about?

​This website is intended for all residents, whether owners or tenants (renters), of Victoria Albert Town Residence (VATR), in East Melbourne, Australia.

VATR is already a great place to live, and we’d like to make it even better by helping you find the information you need about living here.  We’re “continuously improving”  this website exclusively for you, so please check it out and feel free to make suggestions for improvement via the “Contacts” tab.

Use the tabs above to find these pages :​

   – “Quick Reference” tells you who to contact for Questions  and Concerns, and includes some ‘Useful Numbers’ for tradesmen who are familiar with this building. (NOTE:  Tenants (renters) should call their managing agent regarding unit issues before engaging contractors,)​. It also contains several sections with useful information about the building and “how things work around here”.​

   – “History & Events” contains (or will do) some information on the history of the site, the buildings, and the VATR community, as well as stories about notable events at VATR.​

  – “Owners Corporation” tells you about the volunteer committee of owners (OCC) who make operational decisions about VATR, the Owners Corporation Rules that apply to both Owners and Tenants (via your lease), and current projects or news from the OCC.

   – “Contacts” provides a form to contact the editors of this website and the VATR Newsletter.

   – “Newsletter” contains a listing of VATR Newsletters, and links to view them.

   – “204 Albert Street” talks about the proposed development at 204 Albert Street and what the community is doing to oppose it.