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204 Albert Street


On 2 July 2021 we received orders from VCAT stating that a permit would not be granted for the proposed development  of 204 Albert Street, East Melbourne. This was wonderful news for the community that had fought so hard against this inappropriate development over the last two and a half years. 

The community action was led by ACVP Residents Incorporated, formed to protect the interests and amenity of those living in the vicinity of Albert, Clarendon, Victoria and Powlett streets, and who were supported by East Melbourne Group and East Melbourne Historical Society.  The application was also opposed by the City of Melbourne and National Trust Victoria.
“This shows what can be achieved when a community unites together, organises and raises funds to take the fight to the developers on planning terms!” said ACVP Residents President Brad Marsh.

In providing their reasons for refusing a permit the members state:

“From our review of the relevant provisions of the planning scheme, notably the need to balance the competing directions of the planning scheme for development of this site, we find the balance weighs heavily toward a more modest building for this site than the building that is the subject of this application. We find the combined heritage and design directions for this site require a significantly lower building that can better respect the heritage streetscape of Albert Street and its broader heritage and urban design context. We are also concerned that the proposal has not adequately addressed its amenity impacts on its neighbours.”

This is a particularly good result as it sends a strong and clear message that not only was this proposal rejected but so too will any subsequent proposal that is not substantially lower in scale and with far less impact on neighbours.