This page describes the arrangements for building access by owners/residents and the systems in place to provide security at VATR.

The security systems within Victoria Albert Town Residence are only effective if residents are vigilant for weaknesses in the system and are proactive in maintaining a high standard. With this in mind, residents are reminded that each of us is responsible for ensuring that a high standard of security is maintained by:
- ensuring that all doors are properly closed
- keeping metal keys, keytags and remote controllers in a safe place
- not providing admittance to unknown persons
- observing and questioning unknown persons, and if concerned reporting their presence to the Building Manager (or to Security if out of hours)

Four types of secure access devices are used at VATR:
- Electronic tags for all common doors
- Metal keys for individual apartments and for letterboxes, and
- Remote Controllers for the garage vehicle entry doors.
- An intercom and remote door opening system for visitors and guests
Electronic Tags (“keyfobs”)
- All tags are numbered. The number may not be visible if it has worn off, but the Building Manager can perform a test to find it.
- The apartment associated with each tag is recorded and access is programmed to common doors associated with that apartment, so every tag does not open every door.
- The garage vehicle entry doors may also be opened with a keytag from an apartment associated with that garage. A keytag touchpoint is located on the outside of those doors, above the touchpoint for the pedestrian door.
- The list of tags is maintained and periodically audited by the Building Manager. Tags not recorded during an audit may have their access cancelled.
- Problems with tags should be reported to the Building Manager.
- If a keytag is lost, please notify the Building Manager at once as security may have been breached.
- Replacement and additional tags may be purchased via the Building Manager. Tenants may only obtain tags with the consent of the apartment owner.
- Tenants who terminate their occupancy of an apartment must ensure that all tags are returned promptly to the Rental Agent, Owner or Building Manager.
Metal Keys
- Metal keys are the responsibility of apartment owners.
- The complex originally had a patented, numbered key system that included a masterkey held by the Building Manager, but that is no longer the case. The Building Manager no longer holds a masterkey. Apartment owners may change their locks and keys as required.
- In an emergency such as water or smoke coming from an apartment, if the Building Manager cannot locate the owner/resident or a spare key they may contact a locksmith and enter the apartment to search for the cause.
- If you lock yourself out and do not have a spare key arranged you will need to call a locksmith. The Building Manager is not responsible for doing this.
- It is recommended that owners/residents leave a spare key with a trusted friend or neighbour, or in a coded key safe attached to their water meter, and advise the Building Manager accordingly.
Carpark Remote Controllers
- Remote controllers operate the carparkvehicle entry doors. The three doors are each operated by a different button.
- Button 1 for Albert Street
- Button 2 for Victoria Street upper
- Button 3 for Victoria Street lower
- The doors may also be opened with a keytag from an apartment associated with that carpark. The keytag touchpoint is located on the outside of those doors, above the touchpoint for the pedestrian door.
- The apartment associated with each controller is recorded by the Building Manager and access is programmed to where the related apartment has a carspace or is otherwise authorised to enter. Every controller does not open every door.
- The list of controllers is maintained and periodically audited. Controllers not recorded during an audit may have their access cancelled.
- If a controller is lost, please notify the Building Manager at once as security may have been breached.
- Replacement and additional controllers may be purchased via the Building Manager. Tenants may only obtain controllers with the consent of the apartment owner.
- Tenants who terminate their occupancy of an apartment must ensure that all controllers are returned promptly to the Rental Agent, Owner or Building Manager.
- The controllers are battery powered and battery replacement is available from the Building Manager.
Intercom System for Visitors and Guests
- An intercom is provided outside each street entrance and at the entry to each separate building within the complex The system includes a camera and an intercom connected from street level to each apartment.
- The system enables residents to view and speak with a caller and to open the door remotely. See here (??link) for details of operation.
- Expected visitors, including taxis, couriers, tradesmen etc. entering via the main entrances, should be provided with the resident’s name and apartment number to allow them to make direct contact with the apartment.
- Residents should provide clear instructions to visitors as to where they should proceed after a door is opened. The process can be repeated for the separate building door inside the complex if required.
Security Lighting
The OC provides security lighting to common areas of the complex as follows:
- Lighting in the main street entrances and in the carparks remain on all night.
- Lighting in the garden courtyards remains on all night
- Lighting in the foyers of individual buildings in the complex may be switched on by push buttons (timers) outside each apartment door.
- Lighting in the Recreation Areas switches off at approximately 11pm.
- Sensor lights are installed on the Victoria Tower Block covering the western boundary fence.
Please report lighting failures or other problems to the Building Manager by email.
Security Patrols and Assistance
Security Patrols occur nightly. The patrols cover entrances to the residential blocks and towers, and throughout the three (3) car parks.
The security company has been given authority to implement, if necessary, any Owners Corporation Special Rule, including noise abatement.
CCTV Monitoring
The CCTV systems installed in VATR cover the main entrances and all car parks. The surveillance is continuous taping i.e. 24 hours 7 days a week. The system is managed and monitored by the Building Manager.
Care must be taken to ensure that building security is not compromised during a move.
On completion of the move, all rubbish must be cleared from common areas. Cleanups or damage repair as a result of moves may be charged to the person moving or the apartment owner.

Dimensions for access are:
- Apartment doors 2000mm x 820mm
- Staircase doors 2280mm x 830mm
- Lift doors 2100mm x 870mm
- Lift depth 2000mm
Owners and Real Estate Agents who lease out apartments are asked to:
- Inform the Building Manager of new owners and tenants, introducing them where possible.
- Ensure that tenants :
- make appropriate arrangements with the Building Manager with regard to moving in and vacating the premises and tenants are aware of all relevant charges.
- are aware that keytags are not to be provided to private Contractors or Cleaners
- are aware of the relevant OC Special Rules (see below)
- are aware that carspaces must not be sub-leased to non-residents
- return all keytags, metal keys and remote controllers at the time of vacating.
- Alert the Building Manager promptly of any possible breach of security due to lost keys etc.
The Rules of the VATR Owners Corporation (OC) apply to all Owners and their Tenants.
The Rules most relevant to Access and Security are:
7. Owners and residents are responsible for the effectiveness of the security systems and shall take reasonable care to ensure that unauthorised persons are not admitted and that security doors are properly closeD.
8. Owners and residents are responsible for the actions of any outside person whom they authorise to enter the premises.
9. Owners must not do anything to endanger the building and public liability insurance cover or to increase its cost.
10. Car parking spaces are to be used only for the parking of vehicles, including bicycles and motor bicycles. The keeping or storage on them of any other items is not permitted.
11. Car parking spaces must be kept clean and clear of oil spills. Cleaning costs and procedures for cleaning shall be prescribed by the Owners Corporation from time to time.
12. A booking must be made with the Building Management for major moving of furniture and goods in or out. A non-refundable fee is payable to the Owners Corporation and a prescribed procedure must be followed as laid down by the Owners Corporation from time to time.
A full list of the VATR OC Rules is available on this website (link below) and also at the Bencorp website.
If VATR OC Rules do not cover a situation it may be covered by the Model Rules in the Owners Corporations Regulations 2007 (link below).