Quick Reference Guide

Common Area / Building Issues
Report general building issues directly to the VATR Building Manager, Lee Higgins, on vatr@focusedfm.com.au
Lee is generally on site Mon-Fri 7:00 am – 3:00 pm
If the issue requires immediate attention call 0409 020 398
If it’s urgent and there is no response after 15 mins, call FFM Manager on 0417 874 702

Security / Noise out of hours
(Both VATR and Tribeca)
Security International Services
1300 368 284

VATR Owners’ Corporation Manager
For queries on fees, invoices, OC rules and grievance process for unresolved issues contact:
Civium – Brittany Tsandefskis
Email: brittany.t@civium.com.au
Phone: 1300 724 256
(Office hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)
NOTE: Tenants should call their managing agent regarding unit issues before engaging contractors and in the case of being locked out,
‘Useful Numbers’ listed for convenience, but not endorsed by the OCC and are engaged at owners/residents own risk.
Other useful numbers
Justice of the Peace (JP) (available to VATR residents)
To arrange an appointment please contact
Sam Newton by phone ( 0418 351 103 )
or email (sam@snpc.com.au
Amalgamated Locksmiths (fees apply)
(03) 9419 6922
Standby Plumbing (fees apply)
0418 993 477
Electrician: Lighton Electrics (fees apply)
0418 349 367
Air Conditioning: Action Mechanical (fees apply)
0433 692 120
Saltmarsh Cleaning (fees may apply)
0418 136 221