Open Gardens Victoria public visit 3rd Feb 2018
On a lovely summer day our gardens were opened to visitors via Open Gardens Victoria. This was a first for OGV in many ways – their first “Twilight Opening”, first Owners Corporation garden, and first rooftop garden. It was advertised on OGV’s website, and articles appeared in “House & Garden” magazine (February issue – Page 122) and in The Age, and our gardener Andrew Hewat was interviewed on 3AW on the morning of the opening.
Over five hours from 2pm to 7pm in perfect weather, 209 lucky visitors wandered through both the Albert and Victoria central courtyards, gasped in delight, and asked a lot of questions. They were welcomed by a team of VATR volunteer guides, ably organised by Sue Koh, and were able to put their more technical questions to Andrew the “Gentleman Gardener” and “VATR Treasure” and his assistants Petri, Sagar, Alish and Henri..
Some photos from the day are included below, and more will be added in future. Also see the February 2018 VATR Newsletter for an article on the event.
Detailed Garden Notes are available here.